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Sep 30, 2021

Going off the grid and only using cash is not a habit of highly effective people. Rich people don’t do that (unless they’re getting takeout from a strip club at a Super 8). That’s a strategy for people who are just getting by—have more ambition than that.

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Sep 28, 2021

People make a ton of money in places like New York. But housing, taxes, and all-around ridiculous prices suck it up. Can you snag a high-paying job while living in a low-cost place? Jared says yes…

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An expensive house equals an expensive life. Get this part right:

Sep 23, 2021

When you become a millionaire, nothing really changes. You are still you, with the same problems and worries. Make sure financial stress isn’t one of those problems.

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There are two major sources of money stress. This is how you eliminate them:

Sep 21, 2021

Financial media is full of economic indicators—GDP, M2, PPI. But no one ever explains what all those indicators mean. Jared brings you up to speed…

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Everyone wants to make more money. This is how you do it:

Confused about...

Sep 16, 2021

The most notoriously cheap people in the country come from Connecticut. They don’t spend money—it’s all LL Bean sweaters and comfortable shoes. Jared says it’s okay to indulge in small luxuries as long as you check off these two boxes…

Want more tools for a richer life?

There’s a time to cheap out. This is...